Well now that I have been back in school for almost a month, I though I should catch you all up on my craziness. I am loving school but it is sure expensive, boy am i glad for student loans but oh boy I am now a frugal shopper. ( yes, my sister leslie will love me ever more for this) but this is not easy for me. I guess i could still live my same old life style but I have been surprising my self on how amazing i can be with a budget if i wanted too. To put my school expensives in perspective let me explain
Books= $ 789.23
Uniforms= $ 143.30
Stethoscope= $ 133.80
Blood Pressure Cuff= $ 58.78
Tuition= $ 2308.98
So the total of all that is $ 3434.09 and lets not all say oh, wow that is cheap because that is my expensies just until DECEMBER, and then at that time i will have to start again. But hey I am not complaining, (lol) just trying to maybe get sympathy votes. I am grateful to the government of alberta for issuing me a loan and giving me some grants, but i may start a petition that will state Channning Lyndsae Olsen will not have to pay back her loans as long as she shall live. I think I really will have a chance with that. I have included some pictures of my books, my stethoscope-(which is a bubble shape were the picture is so the camera makes it look like that but it is all even in real life, I love it) and dont hate the picture of me, i just got in from the gym. So just enjoy my busty-ness or lack of.
well that is all until next time,
You're so cute Chan!!
Chan Chan, you're awesome! Thanks for the update!!!!
I love you! I am so proud of you !
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