Sunday, May 17, 2009

For some reason I decide to leave months between each post, and i apologize, but at the rate i am going you will get your next update in november. I am on a weekend away in Kalispel, Montana. It is a lot of fun and I am enjoying the shopping. It just does not get any better than states shopping. But I also have enjoyed the weather, For the last two months I have been Running and working out in the freezing cold of the great white north. However today I strapped on my running shoes and hit the running path near some baseball diamonds and started to sweat just from the heat. I enjoyed it needless to say. Something about children laughing, sun beaming, and a open path is exactly what I needed.  I have found my greatest stress relief just from working out. I have a great friend Brittany who also loves to run and we put the Ipods in our ears and run together, stopping to laugh at each other or pushing each other to keep going. If any of you can picture it i often crank my Ipod and start to dance right in the middle of the path and brittany does not shy away, she smiles and jumps on in. It has been truly great to have the pleasure of having her more involved in my life. I also am enjoying my job and have some eye candy, that I have been hanging out with and have enjoyed the company of him as well. It is crazy how life can feel so simple and blissful, but for some reason extremely stressed.

1 comment:

Joni said...

You're awesome Chan!! Running even? That's great. Now please, tell me more about this eye candy you speak of. :) I LOVE YOU!