Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well lets just say alot has happened over the last couple weeks in my life. I guess i never understood why young adults could never decide if they wanted to go to school or if they wanted to move away and travel. I always knew that i wanted to be a business women and make changes in society. Lets just say it got boring, I have been living my dream for the last couple years and i am now stuck in a rut. I don't know what i want. My childhood dream was to become a Dental Assistant and i did my high school work experience shadowing a dentist, and i really enjoyed it. I am not exactly sure why i chose hospitality and operations, but i have enjoyed it, but i am realizing that i am now wanting and craving a new challenge All i know is i want a job that is exciting and challenges me. I have this undying love for a job with thrill and a thirst for learning. I often find my self redoing a job i have already done because i need more to do. I guess i could close this by saying I have a lot of searching and pondering to do. I know where i want to end up in life but my path choices are endless. I know i will always stay on the straight and narrow but depending on what direction.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

You should just get a job working in Boise, Idaho. Then I could see you a lot. Plus, think of how challenging it would be to actually live in Boise. :) There's a river here that you can break your leg in too.